dimanche 10 février 2013

Sunday night thoughts

SO I was supposed to work all week end for my Science Po admission exams (which are coming to me extremly fast, help!). The thing is : it is so hard to work for some exam you do not even realize you are going to take yet (ok it's in three weeks but still). I feel like everything I am studying now won't be in my head ... the day after tomorrow. Short memorie, slow learner. And as I feel like all my work is also totally useless, well... I tend to avoid it, even if I am staying at home wearing pyjamas all day. I even cleaned my room to escape from work (yea, not like if it was messy before then, duh) Good bye History and its wars, systems and politics...

Oh hi there, procrastination.


Bref, j'étais sensée passer le week end entier à travailler pour le concours d'admission à Science Po, celui-là même que je vois s'avancer à grandes, trop grandes enjambées, vers moi, petit être tout tremblant d'angoisse. Le problème, c'est que c'est super difficile de travailler pour un examen dont on ne réalise pas vraiment la réalité : trois semaines c'est à la fois très lointain et extrêmement proche ! Evidemment j'ai la sensation horrible d'apprendre énormément de choses que je suis sure de ne pas retenir jusqu'à après demain. Mémoire courte, endurance trop faible au travail... Et comme j'ai l'impression que ce que je fais est donc irrémédiablement inutile alors... J'ai tendance à essayer de l'éviter, même si je passe quoi qu'il arrive la journée chez moi en pyjama. J'ai même fait le ménage de ma chambre (pas qu'elle soit dans un état abominable non non, pfff). Au revoir Histoire du XXème siècle, guerres, colonisations et républiques...

Procrastination bon-jouuur !

PS : how to make my case totally hopeless --> THE WALKING DEAD STARTS AGAIN TOMORROW (or tonight if you're in the US)

PS : et pour ne rien arranger à ma situation... THE WALKING DEAD REPREND DEMAIN ! (Ou ce soir pour ceux qui sont aux Etats-Unis)

By the way remember the last song I posted ? Guess who's going to see Bakermat on thursday night ?! 

dimanche 27 janvier 2013

So that's why...

So true. Summer holidays in 5 long months. But before that, the "post bac" admissions, the science po exam and the baccalaureate... Keep it up !

Tellement vrai. Vacances d'été dans 5 gros mois. En attendant ? Les admissions post bac, le concours science po et le bac... Keep it up !

lundi 10 décembre 2012

How trying to work on your computer leads you to total (and stupid) procrastination

Good evening everybody !
So we all agree that computers and internet are great. Otherwise you won't be reading this blog, I can't imagine how difficult that should be. No but I mean even and mostly for work, it is incredibly helping ! Richer papers with all the internet discoveries you would not have to be patient enough to find in books, the time you spare by taping, the pain you avoid for your wrist... Definitly, best invention ever.

BUT (because there's always a but), there are these moments when you are supposed to work and you have the most stupid idea ever : looking up something stupid on the internet or starting watching a video on youtube. And then, you know you'll never get this work done for tomorrow.

So these are a few results from my recent procrastination :

Wonder how I would react in such a situation... 

I seriously can't forget that one. I could watch it for days. I tried to ask
my father one for Christmas. Wonder why the HELL it did not
work. Anyway, it's a protected specie...too bad.


Still not working, sometimes you do find REALLY interesting websites. Not that these last videos were not very cool (indeed theyt are) but I think I'd loose all my credit by constantly posting shit up. Excuse my vulgarity.

And finally, you know it is time to go to bed when you end up on that kind of website. 
However, I actually clicked on and on without caring less about the fact that I was probably doing the most stupid thing ever, next to what my philosophy paper was like...SO unattractive. 
Make sure you click enough not to miss the extremly disturbing dog race. Don't do drugs anymore, and stay on that page forever. Peace.

> > GOOD NIGHT ! < <

After what I've posted, you'll never be able to sleep tonight ;)

jeudi 6 décembre 2012

So... Comin' back ! Sorry for absence.

Music for excuses. What else ?

new articles coming up soon ! won't let my blog down like that again

mercredi 31 octobre 2012

When Art meets fashion

Vous avez sûrement remarqué que j'aimais bien les vêtements unisexes. Baskets, sweats... Non pas que je sois un véritable garçon manqué mais 1) être féminine c'est bien, mais quand on peut être stylées et confortables dans ses vêtements en même temps, je vois pas où est le souci et 2) j'aimerai que tout le monde puisse lire et aimer mon blog, il est lui-même unisexe et vous êtes tous les bienvenus !
Bref. Tout ça pour dire que cette marque >Each x Other< commence à se faire connaître et que je ne pouvais pas ne pas en parler. Des artistes et créateurs mêlent art contemporain, mode et street style dans des pièces basiques (foulards, sweats, t-shirts et pantalons) en une collaboration androgyne et trendy. Bon, on est certes pas tous prêts à se balader avec le bonhomme Pringles sur nos fesses, mais qui ne céderait pas à la tentation d'arborer une petite pièce taguée, un message arty, un jean tie&dye ou un foulard graphique ? Coupable, moi, je craque. Un seul problème, et pas des moindres... le prix. Les insensibles diront que c'est "trop cher pour ce que c'est". Peut-être. Disons alors que l'art n'a pas de prix.


You may have noticed that I liked unisex clothes. Sneackers, sweaters.. I don't have a total tomboy style but let's all admit that 1) to be feminist is a good thing, but we can look great and feel comfortable in our outfit in the same time, I don't see where the problem is and 2) I would like everyone to read and enjoy my blog, it isn't for girl only. Let's say that it is unisex itself and that everyone is welcomed, no sex preference !
Ok. This little introduction was meant to lead you to this new : this new brand > Each x Other < makes a brilliant entry in the world of fashion, and I couldn't miss it as a subject for my blog. Artists and creators melt together art, fashion and street style in basic clothes (scarf, sweaters, t-shirts, jeans) in an androgyn and trendy collaboration. Sure, we are not all ready to wear the Pringles' figure on our bottoms, but who would resist to a graffiti, an arty message, tie&dye jeans or a graphic scarf ? Guilty, I wouldn't. One little problem : the price. Some of you (you insensitive people!) will say that it is a lot of money for what it actually is. Maybe. Let's say that Art is priceless.


Shop @ Colette, Galeries Lafayette, Barneys...

mercredi 24 octobre 2012


Mille excuses pour mon absence (c'est minimum un post par semaine d'habitude...) ces derniers jours ! Comme on dit en franglais, c'est un peu le "rush" cette semaine. Tous les profs viennent de se rendre compte que les vacances sont à la fin de la semaine et qu'ils n'ont pas assez de notes (tout est relatif, ils en ont bien assez à mon goût..). Bref j'enchaîne exams sur exams et j'ai peu de temps pour moi !
Petite musique pour ce soir, en guise de pardon ...

I am so sorry I haven't post anything this week, I have a lot of exams to study for. All the teachers realized that holidays were at the end of the week and they all started to freak out because they don't have enough grades for the first trimester (which is, from my point of view, not totally true, but well, I'm unfortunately not the one who makes decisions here...). I'll be free again tomorrow ! Here's a little song to make you forgive me...

lundi 15 octobre 2012

TV Shows

Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé que mon parcours scolaire était inévitablement voué à l'échec. Mon futur aussi. Adieu bac, applications post-bac, ce fut court mais fort agréable (menteuse). En fait toutes les séries que je regarde ont recommencé. Et pas que celles qui ne durent que 20 minutes, celles de 40 minutes aussi (Vous faites le calcul : 2x20 = 40 minutes, raisonnable mais 2x40 = 80 minutes et tendance procrastinatoire inévitable). Bref, mon travail s'arrête ici. Moi, j'vais regarder le premier épisode de la troisième saison de The Walking Dead qui vient de sortir (yessssssss!!)


Today, I came up with the idea that my scolarship is led to nothing else than failure and defeat. My future too. Goodbye exams, post-bac applications, it was nice meeting you though (liar!!). Well this is not a pre-suicide declaration. Actually, all the TV shows I use to watch and wait impatiently for...just restarted. Not only those who last 20 minutes, but those who last 40 too! (You make the count yourself : 2x20 = 40, ok reasonnable, but 2x40 = 80 minutes and imminent procrastination). So here I stop, leaving all my troubles behind me and leaning in my bed to watch the first episode of The Walking Dead's third season, which just came out (yessssssssss!!)